Curricular Vision
  • Below is the LGBTQ Students and Allies in Healthcare curricular vision for the School of Medicine.
  • We hope to begin evaluating the curricula of other health sciences programs in the near future.

Phase I-I


Exploring Gender & Sexual Minorities with Cultural Humility Implemented

Health of New Mexico
Option for LGBTQ focus Planning

Foundations of sexual orientation and gender identity Implemented

Doctoring I/II

History & Physical
Respecting patient's identity: Using chosen name and pronouns Implemented

A comprehensive, LGBTQ-inclusive standardized patient based sexual history taking module Implemented

Doctoring III

Practical Immersion Experience
Narrative reflection on sexual history taking and/or experience with LGBTQ patient

Phase I-II


Infectious Diseases
Introduction to pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) Implemented

Human Sexuality and Reproduction
Differences of sexual development (DSD) and introduction to adolescence Concept

Doctoring IV

Clinical Skills
Advanced sexual history taking Implemented


Clinical Skills
Safe Zone Training

Phase II


Psychiatry Clerkship
Sexuality and gender identity Concept

Pediatrics Clerkship
Boston curriculum - transgender health Planning

Family Medicine Clerkship
LGBTQ primary care Implemented Revising

Doctoring VI

Clinical and Cultural Skills
Advanced transgender case with reflective exercise Concept